
Little Rock                 Northwest
Miracle League Logo

Be a Miracle League Buddy

All buddies must sign up online. Reserve your spot below.

As a volunteer, you’ll be more than just a coach or a buddy; you’ll be a superhero in cleats, spreading smiles and creating memories that last a lifetime. Whether you’re teaching the perfect swing or simply cheering players along, every moment counts.

What Does it Take to be a Buddy?

  • Age 14-99 Fun-Loving Leadership Skills Open Mind
  • Have fun by playing or staying with the player at all times.
  • Be aware of individual player’s limitations. The level of assistance needed will vary from player to player.
  • Encourage player to engage in game.
  • Confidence to set boundaries for players.
  • Maturity to ask for help if needed.
  • Set example for player to engage with teammates.
  • When in the field, show respect for others team’s turn at bat.
  • Celebrate each player’s individual victories.
volunteer with boy