About Us

It's more than just baseball!
happy kids running

When you step into the Miracle League ballpark, you know that there is something special for everyone here – from the players with special needs to our caring, optimistic volunteers. Miracle League creates unique opportunities to challenge, understand and correct misperceptions about special-needs kids.

Miracle League began with a simple thought: that parents of kids with disabilities should have the same opportunities to create treasured memories with their children as parents of typical kids. We all imagine a long, exciting list of things we’ll do as we raise our kids, and many parents’ dreams for their children are built around activities like dancing, music recitals, team sports and first trophies. When we learn that our child has a disability, those dreams don’t have to be surrendered. Kids who are disabled are kids first. They happen to have a disability, but when our players are first treated and respected as children, fantastic things happen for them, their families and our Buddy volunteers.

Since the fall of 2006, Miracle League has engaged a variety of groups as Buddy volunteers – an integral part of the “Miracle League Moments” on the field. More than 350 Buddy volunteer hours are needed to staff Saturday games – and I have never met a Buddy who wasn’t amazed by how great our players are. Helping someone accomplish something and, as a result, learning that this person is really not very different from yourself is one of the most eye-opening and heartwarming experiences anyone can have.

Miracle League is working with great partners both on and off the field to broaden perspectives. We value your partnership on this journey!

Welcome to the greatest game on turf.

Peggy McCall, Executive Director
The Miracle League of Arkansas

Our Board

Derek Owens – Board Chairperson
Olivia Pate
Chad Taylor
Shaun Penny
Jason Kaurndart
John Bowen
John Brandon

Former Board Members

Darek Braunecker
John Towne
Chris Burnley
Dave Roberts
Sonya Wooderson
Chip Culpepper
Jeff Matthews
Sonya Wooderson
Pete Laven
Blake McGowan
Nikki Johnson
Shawn Arnell
Kerri Ohara
Susan Elder
Kerry Elllison-Lareau
Essa Alley
Dr David Jones
Dawn Scott
Bill Mann
Larry Bowden
Bill Mann
John Lawlor
Derek Owen
Betsy Faulkner-Abbott
Cam Deacon